The Karpinski Kids
Whittier, California  (1954)
Front Row, Left to Right:  Richard Leroy (1949);  Ronald Alan (1947); James Lincoln Plummer (1950-1978)
Rear Row, Left to Right:   Edward Joseph, Jr.(1943);  Beverly (1941)
Cousin James Lincoln Plummer was the only son of Charley and Virginia Plummer.  In the early 1950's, Uncle Charley and
Aunt Virginia owned a handsome yellow two-story stucco house in Whittier, California (photo in background).  Edward and
Evelyn Karpinski (Virginia's younger sister) lived in nearby Long Beach, and the two families visited frequently.  Here, young
Jimmy is swept into an informal "Karpinski Kids" family portrait.  Richard grew up to become owner of a plumbing business
in southern California; Edward, Jr., settled in Montana as a part-time hunting guide; and Beverly became a graphic designer
living near Seattle, Washington.  Jimmy died tragically, at age twenty-eight, in a National Hot Rod Association drag race.

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